My mom is my hero. Pure and simple. My goal in life is to emulate her actions. Her love of Christ, her love of family, her love of friends and her love of giving. What a goal I have set for myself! She sets an example for me daily with her encouragement, kindness and zest for living. Have you ever heard the saying "walks the walk and talks the talk" - well she does just that. She sets a precedent with Christian values, a generous spirit and love. She inspires me to be a better person and a better Christian. She baffles me with her "Bible" knowledge and memory of scripture. I am so proud to be her daughter! I think she is a great example to follow!
My sister, Charlene, is another great inspiration. There was a time in our lives when we were just "siblings,"
but I can honestly say that we are now "sisters." Charlene was instrumental in guiding me back to Church and for that I will be eternally grateful. She is such a great mother to my nieces Laurel and Emily. A real "hands on" mom in a way that doesn't interfere with the lifestyle of two teenage girls. Laurkel and Emmy are so lucky to have her as a Mom! She is generous in allowing me to be a part of their lives and I am as proud of them as a mom could be! They are beautiful, sweet, funny and and just over-all 'well rounded" girls much to Charlene's credit!
My sister-in-law Niki, what a great addition to our family! Thanks Chuck! The very first time we met her we knew she was the "one!" She is mom to our little Ava. What a wonderful pair they are - seeing them together is so much fun to watch. I know she will teach Ava to be a strong faith based woman as well. Ava is on the same road as Laurel and Emily to becoming super stars (in this Auntie's book!)! Niki is such a great influence to me, as she is the one who inspired me to create this blog and helped me get started. I thank her for starting this journey!
On Mother's Day we gathered around the table to celebrate the mom's. Oh, another thing my mama taught me - how to cook and entertain! The Gray clan loves to eat and she taught me well, I think! We had a great night of fun, fellowship and food to honor the moms in our life! A great thing to "celebrate" in my opinion!
Ya'll come back!
May the Lord bless his people with peace and happiness and let them CELEBRATE!
*Originally posted May 16, 2012
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