However "life" seemed to just get the way (as it always seems to do) and I quit doing it. But, last Fall, I felt a "tug" to restart my volunteer efforts. I knew my Sunday School friend, Judith was an Administrator at another local elementary school, so I asked her about the volunteer opportunities at her school. As luck would have it, the Media Center at Meadowcreek Elementary said they could use a volunteer. Meadowcreek has a very high Latino population and it has been quite a "culture shock" for this lifelong southern girl. I am quite amazed at the way these kids have adapted to their new surroundings. New country, new language and they all seem so eager to learn new things! Judith's job is to work as a "liaison" between the parents, students and staff. Much of the time the child is the interpreter for the parents, which shows their tenacity for learning! I would not be good at this job (my patience would just not allow me) so I am grateful for the "Judith's" of this world who take on this task!
So in September 2011, I went back to school! I walked into the Media Center (we called it a Library when I was in school) and was enthusiastically greeted by Mrs.Thames and Mrs. Moore , the school Media Specialists. I had to make a real effort not to holler 'Kim" or "Holly" when I needed one of them and also to get used to answering to Miss Gray! And my, my have things changed since I was going to the library! No more card catalog and never even heard the words "Dewey decimal system." I have such a respect for these women and the dedication they have to each student that walks through the door. They ALWAYS have a smile on their face and an eagerness to help everyone . And, I've learned a thing or two listening to Mrs. Thames stories! They have both made Thursday mornings a pleasant experience!
I generally work at the Check-out desk, which has been my favorite task. I love the interaction with the students and it is gratifying to see them so excited about reading - even if it is titled "Captain Underpants and the Big Bad Battle of the Bionic Booger Boy." Another favorite series is the "Magic Pickle," and " Diary of a Wimpy Kid". Like I said...times have changed since I was in elementary school! It is also nice to hear so many "please" and "thank yous" and when you hand a book to a student and he looks up to you with these big brown eyes and says "Thank you, have a Great Day," it just warms your heart!
The school year is winding down and next week will be my last volunteer Thursday for the year. I am really going to miss my new friends "Mrs. Thames and Mrs. Moore" and all the students at Meadowcreek Elementary. I wish them all a great summer and hope that they will squeeze a "book or two" into their busy summer!
Ya'll come back!
May the Lord bless his people with peace and happiness and let them CELEBRATE. Psalm 64:10
*Originally posted May 7, 2012
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